Fidget Data Storage

Fidgets pull data from various different streams and might need to save some of that data.

Data that Fidgets need to save is stored in a database. For the time being, this is stored in a centralized Supabase storage bucket, but down the line this data will be stored in a decentralized manner on IPFS/Arweave.

Data that Fidgets store can be separated into two categories: public and private. Public data is readable by all users while private data can only be read by a specific user.

Here's some examples:

  • A Fidget that displays Bob's profile picture will place that profile picture into a public bucket, so that all other users that view Bob's profile can see the picture.

  • A Fidget that allows Bob to sign into Coinbase to purchase more ETH will keep Bob's API key in a private bucket, so that no other users can access that key. Only Bob.

To use these data setters, import these functions from shared/data/fidgetData.ts:


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